Water pipes are needed in every household and any other place where ever water has to be supplied or drained. Does this draw the attention to which water pipes are better than others? Because water pipes come in a variety of materials and every material is suitable for something but at the same time has some problems too. Therefore, one needs to have a good understanding of all the water pipe materials to choose the best water pipes which will be perfectly suitable to install in the house or any other area where ever one wants to install them. Other than selecting the suitable water pipe material, one also needs to understand the concept of water pipe fittings. Right water pipe fitting selection is as essential as the water pipe material selection. If your water pipe material is well-chosen, but if your fitting is not ideal for your pipe, then you will have a problem. If you don’t want that to happen, here are some water pipe materials listed along with suitable pipe fittings to help you choose the right thing.
Plastic Water Pipes
Plastic water pipes are the most recently invented water pipes that are undoubtedly cheaper than all other options available in the market. Plastic pipes are harmless but are only suitable for cold water supply since they can not resist hot temperature and can disrupt very quickly if used for hot water supply. Other than this, they are good for underground or indoor water supplies like pools, underground supply lines, irrigation supply lines, and drainage. The most common and ideal types of plastic pipes are PVC pipes, ABS pipes, and PEX pipes, etc. You can easily get these pipes from any local plastic pipe manufacturer and get them installed in your house by a professional plumber.
Metal Water Pipes
Metal water pipes are well known to us because they have been used forever all around the world. They were in the game way before plastic pipes were invented. However, since plastic pipes are cheaper than metal pipes thereby metal pipes are being replaced. Even so, the perks of installing metal pipes are much more than plastic pipes. They do cost a lot, but it is a good investment because where you will have to get plastic pipes repaired every year; therefore, you can just install metal pipes, they will work perfectly for 50 years without any repairing. They can easily be used for both hot and cold water since they are heat and cold resistant. Apart from this, you need to take care of the rusting of iron pipes and lead being mixed into your water through lead pipes. Thereby in metal, the ideal material is copper. Get copper water pipes from a local manufacturer and install them in your house for tension-free water supply and drainage.
Water Pipe Fittings
After selecting the suitable water pipe, you need to choose the most suitable water pipe fitting to get the best function of your water pipes. If your water pipes are not fitted with the correct fitting, then you will have water leakage anyhow. To prevent that, there are various types of fittings. The most common among them are the push-fit and press-fit fittings. Among these two, press-fit fittings are more secure than push-fit. Although push-fit fittings are very handy and easy to install but are not certified to use for everything and don’t ensure secure fitting compared to press fit. So, to secure your pipes from any water leakage, get press-fit fittings for your pipes. You don’t need to buy the press-fitting tools for that. All you have to do is get your fittings from any local press-fit fittings manufacturer and hire a professional plumber who has the press-fit fittings tools. You are saved from all the water pipe-related problems for a lifetime.